Empower Your Employees with Corporate Wellness.

Ensure the happiness and health of your employees at your organization.

People are the most valuable good of your organization.

Each employee is important, unique, and valued.
Health coaching makes them feel that way too.

Corporate Wellness Programs
Tailored to make your employees healthy and happy.

At True North Wellness, we believe that wellness is about human flourishing and living your best life. No employee is left confused or stuck trying to piece together a path to wellbeing.  Health coaching is highly personalized. Here are some ways we can work together:

One-on-one coaching

For all aspects of wellness to lay out a personal wellness path.

Group Coaching or Workshops

Focused on Mindfulness, Resilience, Stress Management, Women’s Embodied Leadership, Emotional Wellness, Breathwork, Purpose, Connection, and Nutrition.

Search Inside Yourself:

Developed at Google and backed by science, this 16 hour workshop teaches how mindfulness is a win-win for workplaces by building emotional intelligence and cultivating wellbeing. The results are sustained peak performance, strong collaboration, and effective leadership.

Read about the program here

We help you take care of your employees.

As the importance of employee health and wellness continues to grow, so do corporate wellness programs.

Since the majority of Americans spend most of their time at work (remote or not), employers are uniquely positioned to build a culture of health and be a positive influence on the health and well-being of their workers. The business value of better health is that health affects work, and work impacts health. There are many different elements to consider when creating a successful employee wellness program. 

One of them is health coaching. A health coach is a professional who works with employees on a one-to-one basis or in a group setting to facilitate healthy behavior change. Since the major contributors to health care costs are unhealthy lifestyles and stress, health coaching is well positioned to counter this by creating a healthy culture. It has the ability to educate, motivate, and improve health, morale, and quality of life, all while lowering healthcare costs. 

A wellness program that includes health coaching will:

  • Control expenses

  • Support and enhance human capital

  • Increase engagement, productivity, and creativity

  • Help employees understand their health risks and the lifestyle factors that affect them

  • Provide tools and skills to help make healthier choices

  • Build intrinsic motivation to change

  • Provide Accountability

  • Increase morale 

  • Attract high quality employees

  • Decrease Employee burnout

  • Lead to greater resilience and adaptability